In December, our monthly wishlist was closed. Instead we decided to do a reverse advent calendar. This was a huge success with many businesses/ work places taking part. Items on our list included: hats & gloves, toiletries, nappies and other essentials!

Since Bairnecessities began we had been working between 3 shipping containers. This restricted how many items we could keep in stock due to storage space.
In November 2023, we moved across the road to a huge warehouse. This has been a great benefit for Bairnecessities, allowing our stock intake to increase, volunteers can attend more frequently and allow a brand new delivery service working in partnership with NERVS.

Our giftlist is working really well at the moment, lots if donations coming in which are in high demand! We are delighted with this! THANK YOU!!

We recieved this fantastic donation from NCT Aberdeen through our amazon gift list. Hugely appreciated!

We recieved a fantastic donation of £2500 from Eshcol Enterprises in Fraserburgh who own this amazing boat!

Thank you so much!

We recently received a fantastic donation of £5000 from the Scottish Childrens Lottery. This is an amazing amount which will help raise our funds for our new home!

Thank you very much!


Fraserburgh Community Church

A big thanks to everyone who donated to us through Fraserburgh Community Church.
A very generous donation of various items!

Below is our founder Helen collecting the items.

Clothing unit

Last week a few of our volunteers were out at the units to give it a slight ‘make over’!
We removed the old shelves and mirrored the other side to gain more space. This included building new shelving units.

Here is our clothing coordinator Wendy moving the clothing bundles around to make it easier to identify our boxes.

Thanks to everyones generous support we are currently at capacity for clothing at the moment unless stated on our monthly wishlists.



We recieved a very generous donation from Huntly Tesco last week of deodorant and conditioner which were on our items of the week wishlist.

This really helps us support our local families.
Thank you again.

ASDA Fraserburgh have a donations trolley in store. This allows people to place any items purchased on our wishlist directly in the trolley for us to collect.

Thank you so much to everyone who has recently donated. We recieved many nappies & wipes.